Author Topic: 350 had me running around in circles!  (Read 755 times)

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Offline rms61moparman

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350 had me running around in circles!
« on: November 17, 2012, 09:43:52 pm »

Well I had an interesting fix come across my bench this last week.

A 350 Husky that I ported and sold to a friend of a friend.
My friend came to me at work and told me the guy loved the saw but had started having a problem with it.
It would start on choke and run fine, but as soon as you hit the throttle it would bog out or just die completely.
I told him to bring the saw to work and I would look at it.

I brought the saw home and put it in my utility room.
I was finishing up another saw that night and didn't have time to look at the 350.
The next night I grabbed it up, set the choke and started it. Hit the throttle and it died.
I turned it on its side to check the fuel filter and the fuel tank was dry!!!
I put some fuel in it and it fired and ran like it did the day I ported it.
I took it outside and made a few test cuts and it ran great.

Took it in the next day, made a comment about Hoosiers and fuel tanks.
At lunch the friend came to my truck and took the saw out, cranked it and it wouldn't run for crap!!!
Start and idle fine but would die immediately when you hit the trigger.

I brought it back home and pulled the filter. It was fine. Yanked the carb and there was some dirt in it but not enough to cause the problem.
I put it all back together and it ran just great. ???

I sat it outside on my front porch over night and the next evening it wouldn't run for crap!

I finally got it fixed and returned to the owner.
Anyone know what the problem was???


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Offline Cut4fun .

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Re: 350 had me running around in circles!
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2012, 09:53:53 pm »
Mike you figured it out right and just wanting us to guess?

1. **** plug
2. Bad plug and would bet a NGK one at that

Offline rms61moparman

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Re: 350 had me running around in circles!
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 12:00:35 am »

I did replace the plug but that wasn't the problem.
Yes I did find the problem and fix it but I just wanted to share my "fun"!!!


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Re: 350 had me running around in circles!
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2012, 01:01:26 am »
Doesn't the 350 have a crazy off-on switch with a spade connector that slides in a slot?

I know if you mess around in that area, you had best check and make sure it didn't drop out of position before you button it up?
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Offline rms61moparman

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Re: 350 had me running around in circles!
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2012, 10:36:55 am »

No it was a fuel related issue for certain!

I couldn't figure out why it ran great when it had been sitting in the house but if it had been somewhere cold, (the bed of my truck and my front porch) it wouldn't run at all.

Finally in disgust I just started replacing fuel system components.
New fuel filter, same thing.
replace fuel line...........................BINGO!!!

The fuel line on this saw was some sort of black, soft, crap. Where the line came into the carb box and made the bend to go to the carburetor the top looked great but for some reason the underside of that bend was filled with tiny cracks. At first you couldn't even see them until you straightened the line and then they were plain as day.
When the line was warm and soft they were sealing themselves and the saw would run great. When it was cold and the line would contract and get hard they were leaking air in big time.
I had inspected that line several times and what I could see looked great, just a bit soft.


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Re: 350 had me running around in circles!
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2012, 10:50:17 am »
Good catch Mike. I had a 357 fuel line like that once with tiny cracks you couldnt see. Had me chasing it too.

The way I knew was I took top cover off and started it and could see a little pea stream from the line going to the carb.  Had to put a silver round pick inside the line once off to make the cracks show up all the way through. Used to have a pic, but cant find it.


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